About Me


I am Dr. Rice. I have been working as a Board Certified Pediatrician for over 20 years, the last 14 years in Austin, Texas.   I recently relocated to my home state of  New Jersey to be closer to family and friends.  I live in Long Branch, NJ with my husband, my daughter, and two dogs.  I love traveling, photography, and checking off things on my crazy bucket list.   VIP Concierge Pediatrics has been a dream of mine for many years. I created this company because as a mother,  I realize how hard it is to balance life and kids.  

My mission for this company is to help busy parents manage the unforeseen  illnesses, accidents or last minute sports/camp physicals. Many illnesses can be handled via telemedicine but if not, a house call or hotel visit can be arranged. Your time is valuable so putting all the children in the car, waiting in the sick waiting room to have a 15 minute visit can be very stressful for you and your child.    Wouldn't it be nice to wait in your house for the doctor to come to you?   Of course it would!

Some of the services we provide include:  ear infections, colds, asthma, fever, croup, sore throat, allergies, conjunctivitis, influenza, urinary tract infections, rashes, minor injuries, skin infections, newborn concerns, colic, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain.  Consultations are also available regarding : feeding, behavioral issues, sleep , or prenatal questions.

So, next time your child wakes up with a goopey eye or any other minor illness and you don't want to disrupt your day, make an appointment with VIP Concierge Pediatrics.   Have a Rice Day!!

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